What Does Construction Management as Advisor Mean for You?

Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 3:45PM

What Does Construction Management as Advisor Mean for You?

There are a few different ways that Daytona Beach general contractors can be involved in construction projects. Construction managers provide your project with a unique skill set and expertise that is necessary to get the job done on time and under budget. But, did you know that building contractors can oversee the completion of your project outside of a typical constructor role? Below, we go into greater detail about construction management as advisor (CMa), and how it compares to construction management as constructor (CMc).

The Different Roles of CMa and CMc

There are not many differences in how the CMa and the CMc operate during the preconstruction phase. No matter the capacity in which the general contractor is serving, they will provide the same services prior to construction. This includes providing design assist services by advising the owner on construction plans. Then, once the design becomes contract documents, it is put out for bid or procurement. From there, the CMa or the CMc will begin to operate in much different ways.

Construction Management as Advisor

The CMa will act in a purely advisory role, assisting the owner with their project as it progresses. For that reason, the CMa will not hold any contracts with contractors or subcontractors. As such, the insight they can provide to the owner will not be swayed by personal bias or profit – one of the greatest benefits of construction management as advisor. Rather than handling any construction, the CMa will stick around from beginning to completion to advise the owner on decisions pertaining to change orders, payments, schedule, workmanship, and more.

Construction Management as Constructor

In this traditional role of construction management, the CMc handles the construction of the project. They will agree to deals with contractors and subcontractors, and even manage portions of the work themselves. As such, the CMc is liable for the risk of contract performance. Unlike a CMa, who will advise owners during construction but not take part, a CMc is very much a more hands-on approach to construction management.

Choosing The Right Construction Management for Your Project

By making the right choice between a CMa or CMc, you can minimize confusion and allow for a more efficient construction project. Consider your own preferences for your project. How many parties do you envision working on construction? Which pricing models do you prefer? By fleshing out your desired roles for each involved player, your project is sure to run smoothly with the assistance of Daytona Beach FL general contractors, whether in an advisory role or as a constructor.
If you have a project and need building contractors to aid with its completion, then look no further than Bomar Construction. Bomar Construction can work for you as either a CMa or CMc. Give us a call today and tell us about your project, then we’ll tell you how we can help bring it to life.

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